Monday, November 26, 2007

Larsen Tree Farm 2007

This year's annual Larsen Tree Farm trip was met with great excitement! Lesley was a natural at the power tools and I don't think Hayes broke the chain saw. Corey may have wanted to be one of the girls?


Jonathan said...

Looks like a great day - Corey what's with the gang signs?
How different was Uncle Bill's Farm? I have been there since his last Christmas.

Whitney Larsen said...

Lesley, you look so butch chopping down that defenseless tree.

Hayes said...

the house looks great. The trees are overrun, but Nana amazes in still being able to find the perfect Christmas tree.

What was up with Corey and that gang sign?

nana said...

I think we got great looking trees this year. Actually, I was not at the site for the current tree... I think it is probably one of the prettiest trees ever!

My new bong bong shoes make it easy to walk but they do get tangled in the weeds. It was a fun afternoon and then we went home to a great dinner ready to eat!!

lesley & robert said...

what an awesome time. I tell you what, both of our trees look so pretty@