Thursday, December 13, 2007

More from Your Brother

My new room - I moved in last week to a new room - a little bigger and a little closer to work.
LTC Root - guy who left, left the picture of the savior -
It's nice to have a table to work on, instead of just my bed.
For you gun guys and gals - another presentation grade weapon we took in a cache. This picture doesn't do it justice.
Jonathan ask be a question about what kind of food we ate. I took some pictures of it today - the shocker is we can choose between so much stuff. We have a main line and the a specialty line - this picture is of the specialty line. On Wednesdays they make quesadia to order - make the flour tortillas as well - pretty good.
Okay tried three times to upload a couple more pics maybe tomorrow.
Miss you all!


Courtney said...

great pictures! i'll let drew & corey see the gun... they'll be jealous!!

can't wait to see more pictures

love and miss you - courtney

lesley & robert said...

Cool, Jon! Thanks for posting those pics.
Robert is gonna want those guns. You'll have to bring home some souvenirs (tee-hee).
So. I heard on the radio about a charity that was donating 200,000 or something liek that TREES to the soldiers in Iraq. I mean, I know they couldn't be as cool as the one momma sent you, but do you think you guys will get in on that action?
If so, you'll have to take a pic.

I sure you love you, Jon! I hope things are going well!


Whitney Larsen said...

I'm glad you get a bigger space. Great pictures. It is so nice to hear from you!


nana said...

Nice looking room! You are being treated like you should be. I wish all the soldiers were as well treated... not in deserted building, etc. Tell the generals that for me. Food sounds great.

Whit and I are going to be doing some baking tonight.

I really love the pictures!!!
Love you. mom

Hayes said...

the kids painted some posters on FHE for you. We are putting those in the mail well as some other goodies.

Celeste said...

Was LTC Root also an LDS solider?

Don't tell Christian they'll make you quesadillas he'll sign up!