Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rubiks Cubes...

Lets just say I'm a bit up the 5x5x5. Corey and John, guys gotta catch up.


Jonathan said...

Robert you are insane - I have trouble witht he 3 x 3.
Wow! We have a Soldier here that practices solving a 3 x 3 blind folded.

Whitney Larsen said...

My brain hurts just thinking about that.

Remember the Rubiks Snake? That was about all I could handle.

nana said...

I would probably do it better if I was blindfolded. I bet you popped out the squares and repositioned them. Either that or you are a genius!

Celeste said...

Robert, I hate to do this to you; but Lesley told us everything. If you have to take the cube to bed with you; than yes, I'd say that's obsessed. Sorry...