Monday, March 03, 2008

Lt. Hayes C. Larsen Speaks at SVU

Hayes gave a great forum at SVU last Friday. Mom, Dad, Lesley and I were lucky enough to be there in person, but you can listen to it by clicking on the link above.


lesley & robert said...

i'm not gonna lie. I was pretty impressed with my brother. It was a great forum and it seemed to encourage some great discussion. Way to go Hayesie!

Celeste said...

I was there too guys... and I also graduated...

Why does no one remember me? Am I not cute enough, not annoying enough?

My favorite part was Hayes' acknowledging Les for a Shakespeare quote. Proper!

nana said...

I remember you Celeste. You should give a forum. I will suggest it.

Hayes I am so glad I can read it. It was so good. I am very proud of you.