Saturday, December 08, 2007

Erica's First Game

Yesterday, Erica had her first cheerleading game. She was easily the best one out there.

(guess who made this post :])


Jonathan said...

Way to Go Erica!!!!
You looked Great - How much fun!
Uncle Jon

Courtney said...

i wonder who posted... hmmm

but i can say, even though i am the mom, erica was the cutest and most spirited out there -

ps this is courtney, not erica

lesley & robert said...

Congrats, Erica! It looks like you were having so much fun! Seriously. I look foward to seeing you cheer. Let us know when your next game is!

Whitney Larsen said...

Erica, you look GREAT! I wish I could have been there. I'll catch one before the season is up--promise!

I need to see more spirit fingers!

Dulcie said...

you look so grown up! Yikes and hot too! wow.....